Navajo Express

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Above and Beyond a Truck Driver’s Duty

A Life Saved by One of Our Own Navajo Express Drivers.

Get from point A to point B as swift and safe as possible. That’s the very basic duty of a truck driver. But for Harvell Martin, his recent route had him heroically going beyond this regular responsibility.

On March 6th, Harvell Martin, an OTR Navajo Express driver, was driving through Cactus, Texas to deliver a load.  It was there that Harvell witnessed a woman roll her car over. Without hesitation, he safely pulled his truck over to the side of the road and sprinted to help her. Seeing that her leg was severely injured, Harvell quickly worked to stop bleeding until medical arrived.

The next day the injured women’s husband called our safety department. We were informed that she had severed a leg artery and if it had not been for Harvell, her life would most likely have been lost. The family of the injured women, as well as Navajo Express, are truly appreciative of drivers such as Harvell. What an inspiring story of a regular citizen going above and beyond to help those in need.

The injured woman was able to return to home on March 8th and is expected to fully recover thanks to Harvell’s heroic actions.  

Remember to always practice driving with safety in mind and be aware of your surrounding environment and fellow drivers!